1. Man’s search for Meaning-Victor Frankl
  2. The Celestine Prophecy-James Redfield
  3. Conversations with God-Neal Donald Walsh
  4. The Four Agreements-Don Miguel Ruiz
  5. Illusions-Richard Bach
  6. The Power of Now-Echart Tolle
  7. Awaken the Giant within-Tony Robbins
  8. Meditations-Marcus Aurelius
  9. Grist for the Mill-Ram Dass
  10. The Artists Way- Julia Cameron
  11. The Prophet-Khalil Gibran
  12. In Search of the Miraculous- PD Ouspensky
  13. You Can Heal Your Life- Louise Hay
  14. Ask and it is Given- Esther Hicks
  15. Think and Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill