Mixed presence on Earth has resulted in no one on Earth being able to completely fulfill their Destiny Path. Everyone has been finding they can only do some of the things they want to do. Many have thought that compromise was necessary, but compromise is a judgement, usually in advance of the experience, that the entirety of the proposal is not appropriate or possible. The need for compromise results from denial. Compromise impedes the evolutionary process because no one compromising finds out if their own approach would work or not. Compromise is no more reasonable than denying parts of people in order to force them onto the same Destiny Path. People can come to agreement freely ...
Your choice is a simple one. You can dance or not. Deciding not to dance will not remove you from the dance floor. The dance will continue on around you ...
You can develop the same strength of character by moving flexibly with all the situations in your life. Stand tall and be rooted in the moment. Know your needs, but allow them to be met as life knows how. Do not insist that your needs be met in a certain way. If you do, you will offer unnecessary resistance.   The trunk of the tree snaps when it tries to stand against the wind. Move in the wind.  Your life is a dance. It is neither good nor bad. It is a movement, a continuum ...
If you want to understand the concept of unconditional, look at the tree moving in the wind. That’s the best metaphor you’ll find. The tree has deep roots and wide branches. It’s fixed below, flexible above. It’s a symbol of strength and surrender ...
Denials always involve overriding parts of the self which inevitably leads to overriding of others, either overtly or subtly ...
The way to understand the difference between a judgement and the truth is this: The Will must feel the truth for you ...
Expressing yourself freely is the way to call for the reality you want, and yet, desire has long been judged to be a sin. In fact desire is magnetic energy of the Will. Magnetic energy attracts, so it’s important that you give acceptance to your desire so that you can know what it is you’re attracting ...
It has been thought to be that when you love someone, you have to put up with whatever they do that doesn’t please you. This has been called unconditional love. However, what about you and how this feels to you? When you feel you have to suppress parts of yourself in favor of someone else, this is conditional love that involves self-denial and self-sacrifice that hasn’t known how to fully love self and another at the same time ...
Settlement needs to feel right to all parties involved; however, unless there is movement in the Will, there can be no real settlement. The guideline here is that no one has the right to force anything on another ...
The more alignment you have within yourself, the more alignment you will attract as a partner and in your children. Wherever there is lack of alignment, you will attract the reflection of those denials. The more lack of acceptance in the parents, the more unacceptable and unaccepting their relationships with their children will be ...
Each spirit, when it incarnates on the earth, is meant to be given another chance to gain the understandings needed to live free. The Right Use of Will teachings can help gain the needed understandings in these areas. Clearing the energy field can open the way for reality to be created according to our Hearts desire. If this were happening on a mass scale, reality would be much more fun, have more variety and many more possibilities open to individuals and even many more levels of reality available to those who felt attracted to them. The grip of mass programming has severely reduced this evolutionary process to a very limited and linear progression of near sameness for every Spirit incarnating. Especially in the United States and those countries following her lead.    ...
Children need examples of how to relate in a realistic manner with others and not more examples of how to further deny themselves and others ...
From now on, your mind is not the captain of the ship, you are the captain of the ship, and your mind works for you. You can choose your thoughts ...
Rich people understand the order to success is BE, DO, HAVE. Poor and middle class people believe the order to success is HAVE, DO, BE. Poor and most middle class people believe ”If I have a lot of money, then I could do what I want and I’d be a success.” Rich people understand, “If I become a successful person, I will be able to do what I need to do to have what I want, including a lot of money.”  ...
Rich people believe “You can have your cake and eat it too.” Middle class people believe, “Cake is too rich, so I’ll only have a little piece.”  Poor people don’t believe they deserve cake, so they order a doughnut, focus on the hole, and wonder why they have “nothing.” ...
Purity is best demonstrated by generosity ...
Life is either resistance or surrender. These are the only choices. Resistance leads to suffering. Surrender leads to bliss ...
Not one of God’s children can be bad. At worst he hurt. At worst he attacks others and blames them for his pain. But he is not bad. Your compassion must go this deep. There is no human being who does not deserve your forgiveness. There is no human being who does not deserve your love ...
All exclusivity is the creation of fear. All judgment is the creation of fear ...
Be humble friends. You are here as a learner and must accept that this is so if you are to master your lessons ...
No right mind can believe that’s it’s will is stronger than God’s. If then, a mind believes that it’s will is different from God’s it can only decide either that there is no God or that God’s Will is fearful. The former accounts for the atheist and the latter for the martyr, who believes that God demands sacrifices. Both of these insane decisions will induce panic, because the atheist believes he is alone and the martyr believes that God is crucifying him.  ...
Love can only exist between equals ...
There is nothing complicated about the act of love. It only becomes complicated when one starts to withhold love, and then it ceases to be love that one offers ...
The experience of unconditional love begins in your heart, not in someone else’s ...
Unless you are happy now, you will never be happy ...
Don’t try to live without fear. To try to live without fear is the most fearful proposition you can imagine. Just acknowledge the fear and move through to the other side of it ...
You learn to love yourself by seeing how you withhold love from yourself. And you often see how you withhold love from yourself by seeing how you withhold it from others ...
Remember this, right now, in this moment, you’re either listening to the voice of God or you are needlessly enmeshed in your own psychodrama. Right now, you are either happy or you’re finding fault with the circumstances of your life. Let yourself be present to your thoughts and ask, “Am I aware of God’s unconditional love for me right now.” ...
The laws of this world no longer limit the man or woman whose heart is open. And so miracles happen, not through any special activity, but merely as an extension of love itself ...
The fact that God is Love does not require belief, but it does require acceptance ...
You cannot love someone and seek to control them. Only by wanting what is best for them do you offer them freedom ...
Time itself is your choice. If you would remember eternity, you must look only on the eternal. If you allow yourself to become preoccupied with the temporal, you are living in time. As always, your choice is determined by what you value. Time and eternity cannot both be real, because they contradict each other. If you will accept only what is timeless as real, you will begin to understand eternity and make it yours ...
Arrogance is the denial of love, because love shares and arrogance withholds ...
The laws of the Universe do not permit contradiction. What holds for God holds for you. If you believe you are absent from God, you will believe He is absent from you ...
Nothing Real Can be Threatened Nothing Unreal exists Therein lies the peace of God ...